Victoriapark Dental

The Check Up London

Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining the health of your gums and teeth. These check-ups allow Dr. Nohora Martinez at Victoriapark Dental in London to diagnose any issues and take preventive measures to stop problems from developing.

Dr. Nohora Martinez is trained to perform a thorough examination of your mouth, throat, and neck during these check-ups. This includes looking for any oral manifestations of diseases, signs of oral cancer, infections, early indications of gum disease, eroded fillings, and dental decay.

Your dentist is knowledgeable about the various treatment options available to you and can assist you in making informed decisions about your dental care. However, your active participation is also crucial in preventing common dental problems associated with aging.

Properly brush and floss your teeth, schedule regular professional cleanings, check-ups, and necessary treatments with your dentist, and keep Dr. Nohora Martinez informed about any changes in your medical history, including new medications you may be taking.

Do I Need a Dental Check-Up?

Yes, everyone requires regular preventive check-ups. Even if you diligently brush and floss your teeth, your teeth and gums still need regular care from a dental professional. Check-ups are equally important if you wear dentures, have dental implants, or take medication that affects your mouth, such as causing dry mouth or overgrown gums.

The frequency of your check-ups depends on your oral health needs. The objective is to identify and address small problems early. For many individuals, this means having a check-up every six months. Your dentist may recommend more or fewer visits depending on factors like your oral care practices, specific dental issues that need monitoring or treatment, the rate at which tartar accumulates on your teeth, and other considerations.

Regardless of how diligently you care for your teeth and gums, some oral health conditions can only be detected by your dentist. Various medical conditions can also be identified during your dental check-up, often in their early stages. Dentists are trained to recognize the oral signs of these conditions and can refer you to other healthcare professionals for treatment.

Ten Oral Health Problems Your Dentist Can Detect That You Can't:

  • Deterioration in fillings, crowns, and other restorations.
  • Root cavities, which are decay on the roots of teeth exposed by receding gums.
  • Periodontal pockets caused by gum disease.
  • New decay occurring under the gumline.
  • Cavities under existing fillings.
  • Hairline tooth fractures.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth.
  • Early signs of gum disease.
  • Early signs of oral cancer.
  • Signs of other problems that could impact your general health.

Parts of the Check-Up

During your check-up, your dentist will be on the lookout for early signs of oral cancer and various other diseases. Your dentist will also assess your gum health, look for cavities, eroded fillings, tooth fractures, and oral infections. Dentists are trained to identify minor issues before they escalate and can often provide immediate treatment.

A dental check-up may involve several or all of the following procedures:

  1. Dental and Medical History Update - Dr. Nohora Martinez will inquire about any changes in your oral or general health, such as alterations in your teeth, gum sensitivity, allergies, and medical conditions.
  2. Examination and Treatment - Dr. Nohora Martinez will closely examine your oral cavity for any unusual findings and address minor problems before they worsen. This may include identifying early signs of gum disease, eroded fillings, infections, and oral cancer. Many minor issues can be treated promptly.
  3. Cleaning - Cleaning procedures smooth your teeth and fillings, making it more challenging for plaque to accumulate on your teeth. Plaque, a clear and sticky substance, forms on your teeth daily. If left untreated, it hardens into tartar (also known as calculus), which cannot be removed with regular brushing and can contribute to gum disease. Cleaning also helps remove some stains, enhancing the appearance of your teeth.

The main steps involved in a cleaning may vary slightly depending on your unique dental needs but generally include:

  • Flossing to remove plaque from beneath the gumline and between teeth, as well as to eliminate food particles.
  • Scaling to remove tartar from teeth. "Gross scaling" removes larger pieces of tartar, while "fine scaling" targets smaller tartar deposits, often in hard-to-reach areas and on the back teeth.
  • Polishing to smooth and clean the surfaces of your teeth and fillings.

Why Do I Need My Teeth Cleaned?

Professional cleaning is the only effective way to remove hardened tartar deposits from your teeth. If tartar is not removed, it can lead to gum disease, which is the primary cause of tooth loss in adults.

Cleaning also smooths and polishes the surfaces of your teeth and fillings, making them less susceptible to plaque

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