A crown is also referred to as a cap, which is a hallow false tooth used to conceal a diseased tooth. A tooth that has its structure and functionality put into question will most likely receive a crown.
Teeth that are damaged or have decay are often repaired with a crown, inlay or onlay.
Often crowns are used on teeth that are broken or have large or older fillings or cracks that put them at risk of breaking or you've had a root canal. Crowns can also be used to cover and correct the appearance of discoloured or misshapen teeth.
Crowns can restore any front or back teeth and a variety of materials can be used to make them. You and your dentist will determine the best type suited to your specific situation.
A crown will bring back structure and strength to a tooth to prevent any further damage. Teeth that have been treated with crowns look and work exactly like a natural tooth would. It simulates a real tooth and looks the same as the rest of your natural teeth. They provide the durability and strength that is required for regular function and look terrific.
iTero is a high-tech, digital scanner that uses digital laser and optical imaging to scan an image of the shape and surface of your teeth and gums. The image uses 100,000 points of laser light and has a highly accurate focus of images of more than 300 focal depths of a tooth, ensuring that images taken are extremely precise. This definitely helps those patients with gag reflex, and it means you don't have to get mould impressions done by having a mouth full of messy putty.
iTero technology is hugely advantageous, as images are instant and immediately sent to labs. This means reduced discomfort for patients, less time in the dental chair and less time waiting for your teeth to be fixed and beautiful. See video.